

When people think about the tech consulting industry from the outside looking in, 他们可能不会考虑同理心和适应力. 就像科技领域的大多数主题一样, 很容易把它想象成冷酷和算计. mg官方游戏中心在Moser的团队理解这种观点, 超过25年了, we have formed partnerships and grown with our clients through open and honest 协作.

从一开始, we knew that finding the right solution at the right time would be a hallmark of MG游戏登录网页. As our organization has increased in size, our commitment to these core values has also grown. Every single one of our customers that we work with is unique, and we strive to meet them at their pain points and walk through all the right steps for positive change to occur. Our aim with this blog is to hopefully inform other organizations on how they can include more empathy and resilience when working with customers.


同理心 is the ability to sense other people's emotions and be able to imagine what someone else might think or feel about something. This is an invaluable skill to have in the consulting business, as the more empathetic you are towards the customer's situation, 他们就会越投入. The different types of empathy from personal to professional all work to make individuals and teams the best versions of themselves. 在mg官方游戏中心继续之前, something we do to clarify is the difference between empathy and sympathy as they often get confused. Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective and experiences. 同理心, 如前所述, involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes and attempting to understand why they may be feeling a particular way. 区别是非常重要的, as many people can perceive sympathy as it can feel like you are pitying the other person rather than trying to connect with them


弹性 is both the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult situations. Individuals and companies must display a high level of resilience to remain successful. If a customer sees that you are capable of taking on demanding challenges, they will be more confident in your abilities to help them. 生意上的困难时期是不可避免的, but resilience creates a unique opportunity to change and grow from the experience. 在咨询中保持弹性, you need to construct a team that asks the big questions and is not afraid to jump into the fire to find a solution, 即使这意味着从头开始.


Being resilient and being able to teach resiliency to another party are two very different things. 人们可以学会适应力的特点 , and here are a few activities you can implement within your team and then to customers in the future.  

  • 养成健康的习惯: 人是有习惯的动物, and this means that establishing an agreed-upon method of tackling problems can lead to quicker solutions. This gives each barrier a jumping-off point for someone to take the lead and get the necessary people engaged in a meaningful way. 

  • 安排休息时间: 什么? Isn't a key part of resiliency to push through hard challenges? Yes, but banging your head against the wall during a complex problem with not solve anything either. Reminding teams to take small breaks and step back from their work can often help reenergize them to tackle the problem with a clear head.


The personal elements of work can often get tossed aside when things get busy, 比如截止日期临近的时候. It is vitally important for organizations to ensure that they are there for their employees no matter what is going on in the business. Luckily, there are simple activities that any company can implement to help.

  • 一致的一对一会议: 在大型组织中, 员工会觉得自己只是大机器上的另一个齿轮, 这会损害公司的士气和生产力. Ensure that management is checking in with all employees not just on performance but how they are feeling about the work and company as well. This promotes destigmatization because people can be open about their experiences in the workplace.

  • 全公司Shoutouts: Everyone loves to feel appreciated, even if they don't want to admit it. This is not just reserved for individuals that are excelling in their performance, but to show appreciation for those that are pushing to make the business work, 即使在困难时期.


在一天结束的时候, empathy and resilience in companies and employees will come down to having a diverse set of soft skills. These skills are a combination of people, social, and communication skills. 然后将它们与性格或人格特征配对, 的态度, 职业属性, and social and emotional intelligence that enable people to navigate their environment, 与他人合作良好, perform well and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. 其中一些技能包括态度, 听, 说话, 职业道德, 团队合作, 时间管理, 解决冲突.

虽然其中一些技能似乎很容易掌握, they are actually in high demand due to their lack of presence in potential candidates. A 人力资源管理学会报告 found that 84% of HR professionals found a lack of crucial soft job skills in candidates they were interviewing. This means those that dedicate the time to learn these skills will have more options professionally.

MG游戏登录网页: Leading Consulting Through 同理心 and Resiliency

Moser的核心价值观是问责制, 平衡, 协作, 焦点, 完整性, 社会责任, 支持, 和透明度. When you look at that list, those are not things you get from formal technical education. These skills are taught and nurtured to create an amazing team that can pass them on to customers.

If you would like to receive training in empathy and resilience, mg官方游戏中心 今天!



