The Importance of Loving What You Do

Let’s talk about our work lives. 假设你的工作时间相当标准,每周大约40小时. That’s nearly a quarter (23.8%) of your entire week. If you sleep eight hours a night, that’s another third of your week eaten up. Work takes up a huge chunk of your time and mental energy. 如果你陷入窠臼,缺乏灵感或不再热爱你的工作, 你开始觉得你所做的一切都是工作,或者想着工作,或者吃饭, or sleep.

“做你喜欢做的事,你这辈子就不用工作了。.” —Someone

Have you encountered this little piece of wisdom before? 这句话被用得太频繁了,mg官方游戏中心都搞不懂 who originally said it. 尽管这句话是谁说的是个谜,但它的流行可能反映了mg官方游戏中心有多绝望 want it to be true. That’s the dream, right? 拥有一份不像工作的高薪、令人满意的工作. 不要在每个周日晚上都感到恐惧,因为即将到来的一周会让你的良心不安.

What’s the big deal about loving what you do? Here are a few reasons to take it to heart.

Loving what you do makes your work a lot easier.

On the topic of work-life balance, Steve Jobs said it well:

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, 而获得真正满足的唯一途径就是去做你认为是伟大的工作. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."

这几乎是一个如此简单的概念,你可能会因为没有首先想到它而责备自己. You’re going to work a lot over the course of your life. 你在这个星球上的时间是有限的,所以时间必须 count. It’s never too late to self-assess and ask yourself, “Is this really what I want to be doing with my time? Is this the best use of my skills? The best outlet for my passion?”

On a more granular level, 热爱你所做的事情会让你的每一天都过得更快——同时你也会产生更好的结果. If you’ve ever heard of the concept of “flow,” that’s what we’re alluding to. Here’s how author Dragos Bratasanu defines it:

“心流是一种状态,当mg官方游戏中心完全专注,完全沉浸在mg官方游戏中心正在做的事情. In flow our work seems effortless, creativity goes into overdrive, we feel inspired, and motivation springs forth from within.”

Loving what you do improves your quality of life.

There are also proven health benefits to loving what you do. 当你的个人生活和工作生活都是平衡的,并以你的激情为基础, you’re simply going to feel better—maybe even live longer. When your work is in a field you love, you can expect lower stress levels, better brain and body health, better relationships, and more. 相反,你在你讨厌的工作中煎熬的时间越长,你就越有可能损害你的健康.

When you love what you do, you’re a more engaged contributor, a better teammate, and a happier, more balanced person.

Again, it’s never too late to make a change. 这并不意味着它不会有一点点可怕,但是作者 Israelmore Ayivor connects the dots between loving what you do, building a better relationship with your work, and growing your resilience:

“如果你不做你喜欢的事,你就永远不会喜欢你所做的事。. And if you don’t love whatever you do, 你可能会在任何时候被分配到与此相关的任务.”

Loving what you do helps you to discover your best self.

How familiar are you with Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs? 这是一个理解人类体验的框架以及安全感的含义, like you belong and are loved, and to develop self-esteem and, ultimately, self-actualization. 下面是他如何解释金字塔背后的核心哲学,以及了解自己的重要性:

“Musicians must make music, artists must paint, 诗人如果要最终与自己和平相处,就必须写作. What human beings can be, they must be.”

And here’s what the actual hierarchy looks like:

Most jobs satisfy a person’s most basic needs—namely, 一个安全的工作场所和工资,使他们有可靠的食物吃和一个地方住. 可悲的是,对许多人来说,这就是他们工作的全部目的:薪水. 这就是为什么mg官方游戏中心经常使用类比,比如把工作比作 grind or rat race. What delightful imagery! 这些人真的认为工作是一种必要的邪恶,他们只是为了生活而不得不处理.

但是那些热爱自己工作的人会有完全不同的体验. 他们不会经常质疑自己和自己的选择, 他们不会让怨恨之类的情绪潜入他们的思维. 他们常常无法想象人们是如何那样生活的.


Believe it or not, 当你真正享受你的工作,并发现它适当的满足和挑战, 那句神秘的古话“一生中一天都不要工作”开始变得真实起来. The concept of work-life balance no longer feels impossible. 你不害怕上班,不害怕和同事打交道,也不害怕承担新的责任. 当你不需要不断地质疑那些让你进入现在这个角色的人生选择时,你就更容易做出贡献和合作.

“...but what if I don’t love what I do?”

怎么,你不是生活在一个人人都觉得自己过着最美好的生活的幻想世界里吧? You don’t wake up every morning celebrating your employment? We get it—it happens. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你重新发现你的激情,或者知道什么时候该找点别的事情做.

很多时候,人们错误地认为他们被困在工作或职业中. 你可能会觉得你只需要“坚持下去”或“坚强起来”.“但如果问题不在你,而在工作呢?? 不管你是20岁、40岁还是60岁,跳槽,甚至完全换工作都不是什么羞耻的事.

你知道一个人在他的工作生涯中平均做过多少份不同的工作吗 12? 这意味着这篇博客的相当大一部分读者可能仍然有多种不同的职业在等着他们. 如果你能在同一份工作中找到满足感和成长, though, there’s nothing wrong with that either!

That being said, about half (49%)的美国工人说他们对目前的工作非常满意.

这些数字对你和你的职业到底意味着什么? 不是很多——除了如果你不再感受到爱,你不应该感到难过这个事实.

There are, as we’ve hopefully pointed out throughout this blog, 有很多理由让你相信,你在很大程度上掌握了自己的命运,没有比现在更好的时间来重新定义你与工作的关系了. That way you can be happier and healthier, do better work, and feel more satisfied with not just where you’re at today, but where you’d like to be tomorrow.

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