What Is the Purpose of Data Management?

What Is the Purpose of Data Management?

Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) is a crucial practice that guarantees the security, usability, and scalability of your business-critical data. Datasets can be challenging to integrate, govern, and manage. But with the right architecture and data strategy, your business can grow, achieve objectives, and acquire high-quality data insights. To best develop your strategy, 理解数据管理的目的和不同功能非常重要. In this blog, mg官方游戏中心探索计算机数据管理和不同类型的技术,你可以使用是成功的.

What Is the Definition of Data Management?

Data management is the framework for gathering, storing, and utilizing data in a cost-effective, efficient, and secure way. 数据管理包括日常任务、程序实施和过程监控. As a key component of implementing and upgrading IT systems, 成功的数据管理提供分析见解,以支持运营决策. 数据管理最终为企业和其他终端用户从运营到战略规划提供信息. 

What Are the Types of Data Management Functions?

数据管理的一个功能是提高数据的可靠性, 这样公司在做出关键决策时才会有信心. 数据管理旨在帮助企业在策略约束下优化数据的使用,以便他们能够做出决策并采取尽可能有利于企业的行动. 由于数据孤岛等问题,企业对数据管理策略的需求正在上升, security risks, and general decision-making bottlenecks. 通过定义程序和指导方针,自动化和最小化人为错误, 它有助于减少部门之间发生错误的可能性. 

数据管理的另一个重要功能涉及身份验证和加密技术,以保护公司的数据不被泄露, theft, and loss. 强大的数据安全性保证了在原始源不可用的情况下对关键业务数据进行备份和检索. 如果您的数据包含任何个人身份信息,必须妥善处理,以遵守消费者保护法, security becomes even more crucial. 

The absence of a data management system or strategy, or the low quality of the system that is in place, are the main causes of faulty data and data loss because of human error. 不幸的是,组织通常在问题出现之后才意识到这一点. 从长远来看,积极主动而不是被动被动会帮助你的企业省钱.

What Are the Components of Data Management?

Data processing, storage, 在操作和分析系统中如何格式化和使用数据的治理只是组成整个数据管理流程的各个方面中的几个方面. 

初始阶段通常涉及数据体系结构的开发, 特别是在有大量数据需要处理的大型组织中. 还要进行质量检查,以发现数据中的问题和不一致之处. From there, data cleansing processes can be used to fix them. To arrange information to fulfill business goals, 数据模型用于映射工作流和绘制数据集之间的连接. 数据被生成、处理,并可以存储在各种数据存储库中,例如: 

  • Databases

  • File systems

  • Cloud object storage services

A data warehouse or data lake, like Honeycomb, 用于分析来自这些来源和其他来源的信息的组织的运营和业务数据所在的位置是什么. To guarantee that data is consistent across systems, 数据治理程序提供数据定义和使用指南.


  • Collecting, processing, validating, and storing of data

  • 组合多种类型的数据,包括来自不同来源的结构化和非结构化数据

  • Ensuring disaster recovery and high data availability

  • 关于人员和应用程序如何访问和利用数据的治理

  • Protecting and securing data and ensuring data privacy


  • Data modeling 映射数据元素之间的关系以及信息如何在系统中移动.

  • Data integration analyses and combines data from several sources.

  • Data governance 建立政策和程序以保证整个组织的数据是统一的.

  • Data quality management aims to correct data discrepancies and mistakes.

  • Master data management (MDM) 建立关于客户和产品等项目的标准参考信息集合.

What Is the Importance of Data Management?

mg官方游戏中心知道,企业受到越来越多的合规法规的约束. 这就是为什么mg官方游戏中心支持在信息存储容量以及生成的数据和文档量方面的重大发展. 正因为如此,数据管理在任何组织中的重要性都呈指数级增长. 数据管理贯穿于整个建模过程, integration, and governance, because it optimizes the use of data. 拥有对数据存储的全面可见性是数据管理最重要的优势之一. 然而,还有其他优点,如更高的效率、安全性和可靠性. 

Benefits of data management processes include:

  • Offering precise and up-to-date information on the state of a system or data management process.

  • Tracking and identifying key performance indicators 评估开发并指出需要改进的地方.

  • Creating a historical record of previous decisions can help future resolutions.

  • Reducing data loss by accurately tracking and storing user data.

  • 提高法规遵循的准确性、完整性和及时性 通过允许用户访问数据并提供工具来帮助他们发现和解决问题,从而符合监管标准.

  • Lowering the time spent looking for data, enhancing data quality, and making data more available to employees to increase organizational efficiency.

  • Ensuring data is adequately backed up and enabling access to data allows for the detection and tracking of data breaches, allowing for speedy resolution.

因此,企业在数据管理方面效率更高. 建立适当的数据管理策略是保证数据可靠性的重要手段, accuracy, and quality of data. 与数据管理和数据共享平台不达标的公司相比,你的企业在决策和采取行动方面的能力要强得多. 

The Future of Data with Moser

At Moser, we create, deploy, 并维护数据系统,为mg官方游戏中心的客户提供快速访问所需的信息,以在当今快节奏的商业世界中取得成功. Our consulting solutions can include Data Acquisition, Data Storage, Data Availability, Data Security, Data Governance, and Presentation Layer tools. These data and analytics offerings include services like: 

  • Modern Data Platform Solution Architecture and Development

  • ELT/ETL Data Engineering

  • Dimensional/Semantic Layer Modeling

  • Visual and Paginated Report Development

  • Advance Analytics Model Design and Development

  • Operational Database Support

  • Data Governance/Compliance Assessment and Program Development

  • Virtual CIO/CDO/CDAO Services

We are committed to each IT expert working here, as well as the success of our customer, 因为mg官方游戏中心相信Moser作为一个企业的成功是基于mg官方游戏中心顾问的成就. Explore our data management and analytics solutions and contact us today!


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