

超出通常提供的IT基础设施服务, 灾难恢复 for businesses can often be the st和-out option. This makes sense, given that it’s crucial to have a way to recover from worst-case scenarios. 然而, while 灾难恢复 services are vital to a business’s success, 它们只是更大的业务连续性计划的一部分.

When your business plans ahead for what could go wrong, it’s easier to navigate disruptive events. 以及最难以预测的灾难, 连续性计划包括灾难恢复措施, 这样你就能从容应对最坏的情况.

那么,业务连续性计划究竟包含什么内容呢, 如何开始编写或更新现有的计划? 这正是mg官方游戏中心将在本文中讨论的内容. 让mg官方游戏中心开始吧. 


A business continuity strategy is a plan for organizations to respond to changes while staying on track. Key components of a business continuity strategy include identifying risks, 为团队成员分配角色和职责, 建立一个恢复计划. Focusing on business continuity is essential for success because it can yield the following benefits:

  • 减少意外中断: 流程瓶颈, 网络安全措施薄弱, 和 software bugs are just a few of the challenges that can slow your business down. 幸运的是,你可以避免猝不及防. 有业务连续性计划, 你可以确定你最容易受到哪些风险的影响, so you can take steps to prevent them before they negatively impact your business. 例如, 如果你发现你的数据容易受到网络安全攻击, you can train your staff on how to avoid 和 report phishing scams.

  • 更快地从灾难中恢复: Natural, physical, 和 technology-based disasters can threaten your business’s ability to operate. 无论是建筑火灾, 权力的丧失, 或者是勒索软件攻击, these disasters shut your business down 和 keep it closed—unless you have an effective 灾难恢复 plan. 然而你不可能阻止每一场灾难, 你可以用尽量减少顾客损失的方式来应对, 团队成员, 财产, data, 声誉, 和利润.  

  • 提高客户满意度: 客户重视可靠性和信任. They want to know that when they go to use your products or services, they’ll be able to. They also don’t want to worry about whether or not their data will be safe with you—security should be a given. Uncovering 和 solving issues that would negatively impact your customers before they happen keeps those customers happy 和 using your product or service. 

  • 提高团队士气: Customers aren’t the only ones that value reliability; your team will also become frustrated if they have to constantly “put out fires.” Whether it's your customer support team doing their best to appease unhappy customers or your IT team trying to recover data from a malware attack, these high-stakes situations put a lot of stress on your 团队成员. Taking a proactive approach to business continuity reduces the frequency of stressful situations, 这样你的团队就有更多的精神空间来改善你的业务.  

根据 《mg官方游戏中心》, 51% of organizations have been affected by outages that have caused substantial damage to their finances 和 声誉 within the past three years. Having a business continuity plan helps your organization avoid these outages or recover quickly from them should they happen. 


The key difference between a business continuity plan 和 a 灾难恢复 plan is that a 灾难恢复 plan only responds to a crisis, 当业务连续性计划准备避免灾难时 从中恢复过来. 换句话说, 灾难恢复是连续性计划的重要组成部分, but having just a 灾难恢复 plan means you miss out on essential continuity elements such as crisis prevention. 

把灾难恢复想象成去急诊室. In a crisis, you need access to the emergency room for the best chance at recovering. 业务连续性涵盖了您的业务的整个健康, including regular visits with your doctor to identify potential issues down the road. This preventive care keeps small issues from growing into catastrophic ones, which can reduce the need for costly 和 time-consuming emergency room visits.


业务连续性计划应该是全面的, although you can’t realistically plan for every situation that may arise. 相反,你可以针对不同类型的挑战进行总体规划. 这样,你就可以迅速组织起来,开始解决问题. To see if your strategy is preparing you for success in the face of adversity, ensure you are following business continuity plan guidelines by including:

  • 风险评估: Identify what challenges could slow down your business 和 which of those challenges you are currently vulnerable to. 例如, 持续的软件bug会把你的客户拒之门外吗, 或者防火墙保护你的财务数据是最新的吗? 优先考虑哪些风险对你的成功威胁最大, 这样你才能做出最有效的改进. 如果你容易受到数据泄露的影响, then backing up your data to a third-party server allows you to keep your business running if your servers become compromised.

  • 灾难恢复: 灾难是会不会发生的问题,而不是何时发生的问题. 但如果有正确的复苏计划, you can minimize downtime 和 damage to your 声誉 和 finances. 您的灾难恢复计划应该涵盖数据丢失, 人为错误, 获取客户, 声誉修复, 资源分配, 遵守规章制度.

  • 角色及职责分配: 中断会造成很多混乱, 因此,确立角色和职责是很重要的. 谁来协调解决问题的努力? 谁是各个团队的联系人? 谁负责恢复数据等关键任务? Having clear roles will help avoid duplicative efforts that waste time 和 can even make matters worse.

  • 通信协议: When problems arise, it’s important to communicate potential disruptions to the right people. 这似乎是一个简单的步骤, but communicating key information to the wrong people can waste critical time. 即使你联系对了人, confusing or irrelevant messages can also drag out the problem-solving process. 为了有效的沟通, be sure to establish what the key information is for a given situation 和 who needs to know it. 

  • 测试和培训: Ongoing employee training 和 procedural testing will help ensure that your team is actively working to prevent crises, 而你的应急系统可以帮助你从中恢复过来. 例如, training employees to spot malware will help avoid cybersecurity attacks, 杀毒软件可以保护你的数据库.

如何编写业务连续性计划? 相信专家.

When it comes to running your business, stability is an appreciating asset. When you know what to expect, you can plan accordingly 和 capitalize on opportunities. 然而, you don’t know what you don’t know, 和 that can end up costing you. It’s difficult to plan for everything, especially when your team’s b和width is also stretched thin.

这就是Moser的桌面活动可以提供帮助的地方. 作为你的技术合作伙伴, Moser can help you push your plan to the limits to see what’s working 和 what needs to be improved.

Don’t wait for the worst-case scenario to see if your business continuity plan will be effective. 保持联系mg官方游戏中心的团队一起,看看如何保护您的业务.



