

Tech consulting is a lively 和 wonderfully exciting industry, but it isn’t the same as the average IT career path. There’s always something new to learn 和 something old to remember, be it the different nuances of an old software or the glinting, yet daunting GUI of a newly released cloud-based solution. I exist in the 管理服务 space of consulting, so my view might be IT-基础设施 biased. Resilience in Consulting is the quality in a person who can feel the heat of a problem 和 find the cause, then do something effective about it with confidence 和 expertise.

Whether it is leading a client to implementing something themselves, 的指导下, or doing the heavy lifting at their request, it is rewarding beyond ones’ own bottom line. The look of a person’s eye when they see what possibilities exist after leading them through the Mammoth Cave of a solution’s configuration or the relief of seeing the smoke clear, that’s why I stay in this oftentimes labeled “intense profession.”

So, technology solves all problems, right? There’s always a new shiny tool to use against an issue, but that which makes one technology solution useful 和 another problematic, often is deeply rooted in company circumstance. Technology doesn’t solve all problems; 合适的人会这样做.

There’s a common thread with businesses I interact with daily, there’s always at least one major problem that needs addressed. Once that problem hits my inbox or comes up in that Zoom call, I see red. 不是愤怒的红色, but the maroon hue of a fire with extreme, 然而有时, 在黑夜的天空中吸取热量. 提醒你, 并不是所有的火都是一样的, some are fueled by technical issues or incompatibilities, unexpected conditions 和 others are fueled by human misunderst和ing or initiative deadlines. Those differences, though important to acknowledge, don’t change the fact that a fire is a fire.

这些问题, 这些火灾, have the sort of heat that can be felt across the ether, 在笔记本电脑屏幕上, through the language use in an email or an urgent phone call burning your earlobe after you hit “Accept”.

Companies usually have a technology department of some sort, 但偶尔, 去扑灭那些火, the solution would require changes in employee responsibilities that would create even more problems or fuel the flames higher 和 higher inadvertently.

Bad situations lead to great information ,组织反思.

When the fire rages 和 rages 和 rages on…leadership must look around the room 和 ask, “mg官方游戏中心的员工能承受高温吗? mg官方游戏中心的员工能把火扑灭吗?”

Firefighters in the world are ready to run in 和 take care of actual fires, so who can companies look to address their technology fires?

Consulting firms can accomplish what internal staff may take a year to achieve, 不到三分之一的时间, 这需要适应力. Not to say that internal staff aren’t resilient, they have ongoing embers 和 smoldering coals under their feet already, most employers don’t wish to break their fine people’s resilience by throwing them to the fires that we “crazy consultants” love to assist with.

Well, what is resilience in consulting, 真的?

It’s the ability to do the detective work, 或者用我的爱称, the due dillies (diligence) to take in the scene of the fire before putting it out, 找到最初的火花, 并迅速采取行动. Being resilient in consulting requires a strong team, open to questioning each other’s ideas 和 even critiquing a solution proposition, 同时把彼此举起来. Being resilient in consulting is finding the strength to hit reboot on that server everyone is afraid of or going through with that migration riddled with blockers 和 challenges, only to st和 at the other end 和 say, “mg官方游戏中心一起做了这件事.”


没有人是一样的, 所以有些方法可能不适合你, but part of my journey has been 学习 to become a bendable, but unbreaking resource for many companies, each with their own raging flames 和 organizational resilience to admit they need outside help.

I find comfort in rituals, small things to make sense of the chaos of consulting 和 life in 一般. The rewards of helping improve companies in my state 和 beyond go a long way but sometimes, mg官方游戏中心都会在混乱中迷失. 花时间, even if it is just 10 minutes here 和 there to listen to your favorite jam song, stepping away from the desk for a quick walk or a short conversation with a colleague can do wonders for the resilience level of a person in the thick of a flame burning bright beyond the glass pane of your laptop.

So, remember, technology problems will always be there, it’s who you choose to help you with them that shows an organization’s resilience in the face of adverse conditions.


约翰Caviness is a consultant in Moser 管理服务 with a master’s degree in Information 和 Communications Sciences from Ball State University. He’s been working in the 管理服务 sector since 2018 和 holds certifications in AWS Cloud Solutions Architecture, Windows Server Administration 和 ITIL IT Service Management.


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