

We want to take a moment to elevate and discuss the emerging awareness of mental health in technology and IT industries. 在非营利组织对科技专业人士的一项调查中 开源精神疾病(OSMI), 51% of tech professionals shared that they had been diagnosed with a mental health disorder in the past. 这明显高于 平均21%的美国成年人 谁受到精神疾病的影响.

Do the “crunch culture” and isolated work environments of the tech industry exacerbate these illnesses? 人们会应对焦虑吗, 抑郁症, 或者其他疾病发现自己自然地被科技所吸引? 让mg官方游戏中心来探索一下科技产业和心理健康之间的交集, as well as the trends in mental wellness tech employers can take advantage of to support their employees.


There are well-known pros and cons of technology on mental health, both in and outside the workplace. 积极的一面, tech tools can provide a valuable outlet to relieve tech professionals of concerns around the stigma of mental illness. Using an app to talk with a mental health professional or even with an artificial intelligence can feel safer and more 安慰able than having an in-person discussion about the same issues.

Though technology products may be part of the solution to the hidden mental health crisis in tech, the work cultures that get these products created are a serious contributor to the problem. 比许多其他行业都要多, tech employees are working in high-stakes environments with tight deadlines, 也许是 被迫的:被鼓励或直接被迫放弃需要的 就像睡眠, 健康的食物, and 锻炼 in favor of staying in front of the screen to get the job done. 这是 创业公司尤其如此, where founders are twice as likely to suffer from 抑郁症 and 10x more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder, 在许多其他高风险类别中. 在科技文化中, 在哪里快速行动是优先考虑的, there may not be space to carry out the healing and self-care necessary to weather common conditions like 抑郁症 and anxiety.

技术专业人员常见的心理健康障碍 are:

  • Mood disorders like 抑郁症 and bipolar disorder-- 74% of reported diagnoses

  • Anxiety disorders like 一般ized anxiety, social anxiety, and phobias-- 51% of reported diagnoses

  • 注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD.5%的报告诊断

  • 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)——占报告诊断的13%

  • 强迫症(OCD)——占报告诊断的8%

These statistics reveal that many tech professionals may be coping with multiple mental illnesses at once, 使能见度, 理解, 对这些条件的支持在科技工作场所至关重要. 另一个促成因素是 科技领域被边缘化和未被充分代表的人群 像女人一样, 有色人种, and LGBTQ+ professionals are among higher risk populations for these disorders. When someone is already concerned about being minimized or seen as weak by their colleagues and supervisors, 这可能会使讨论这些情况变得更加困难.

31% of tech professionals would not feel 安慰able having a discussion with their direct supervisor about mental health needs, 而另外32%的人不确定他们是否会感到舒适. 这意味着 大多数科技员工 会对这些谈话感到不舒服吗, 有时甚至连谈话都不会发生.


The 7 components of mental health are also known as the 7 elements of self-care, or 幸福的7个维度. 这些都是:

  • 身体健康身体健康的要素包括饮食均衡, 适度使用酒精和其他物质, 锻炼, 保证充足的睡眠.

  • 健康知识智力健康的要素包括学习新事物, 从事创造性活动, and having time to reflect on 学习 in a way that grows personal insight.

  • 情绪健康情感健康的要素包括爱的表达, 感激之情, 同理心, 以及其他情绪, as well as the availability of safe resources to help with fear modulation when anxiety strikes.

  • 社会健康: Elements of social health include meaningful personal connections that contribute to life in a positive way and make someone feel seen, heard, 和重视.

  • 职业健康职业健康的要素包括使用个人技能, 人才, 丰富自己和他人的生活.

  • 精神健康: 精神健康的要素包括一套核心信念, values, 以及提供方向的道德规范, 以及与这些价值观和道德保持一致的生活能力. 这些信念不一定是从宗教中得来的.

  • 环境卫生环境卫生的要素包括安全感, 安慰, 以及与物理环境的联系.

Tech employers that want to prioritize the mental health of employees can start with an 理解 of how each of these elements of mental health is manifested in their workplace. 如果你发现了不足的地方, engaging employees in the conversation about how to improve is a great step toward transparency and demonstrating the intention to grow.  


Beyond considering organizational alignment that supports employee mental health, employers can also take advantage of current trends to deliver mental health solutions to tech professionals. 这些可能包括:

更灵活的工作安排及休假政策: After 2020 and the COVID pandemic required many teams to adapt to remote work, 许多科技企业 继续允许远程工作 即使是在安全返回办公室之后. 考虑到 20%的IT工作者 承认新的远程工作生活对他们来说是一个挑战, 混合型工作安排可能是最好的选择. Employers can structure the arrangement by defining some days or times that employees should come to the office and allowing them the option to work from home the rest of the time as they like. This provides each individual the flexibility to adapt and meet their changing needs on a daily basis. The same flexibility can have major additional benefits when extended to the leave and sick time policies. 允许员工“心理健康日” that are paid just like other sick days leads to valuable mental reset time that empowers people to refresh and regroup.

精神健康融合训练: Social justice movements of 2020 made many individuals aware of the need for more focused efforts on diversity, equity, 以及工作场所的包容性. 心理健康包容训练 can be a valuable study along these lines for managers and business leaders,cultivating 同理心 and equipping  participants with tools and strategies to communicate with their peers who need mental wellness support.

心理健康技术解决方案: Tech employers can also make the most of the positive effects of technology on mental health by incorporating virtual therapy apps, 冥想的应用, 正念的游戏, 甚至可穿戴技术,比如生物传感器 员工福利待遇. 聊天机器人, games, 沉浸式虚拟现实体验, and online behavioral health support are all becoming more accepted as tech tools to help employees heal and cope with mental illness.


MG游戏登录网页在托管服务方面拥有数十年的经验, 应用程序开发, 以及系统和云服务. When outside support is needed to give your existing team a break from the hectic pace, mg官方游戏中心在这里作为一个资源来补充他们的工作和支持你的需求. mg官方游戏中心还提供学习服务,比如团队协作, 情商辅导, 以及为IT和技术经理提供领导力培训. If you are interested in supporting the mental health of your tech employees but don’t know where to start, we can come in as a neutral third party to analyze the environment and make recommendations. Whether you know what you need, or want help figuring it out, we are here to support you. 如有问题请mg官方游戏中心或寻求支持.  



