

“你不能让外界的力量来创造你的命运. 你必须这么做.“博佐马·圣约翰

There have probably been more words written and deep 虽然ts had about the purpose of our lives than any other topic. 人类似乎有一种独特而普遍的愿望,想要理解mg官方游戏中心为什么在这里, 以及mg官方游戏中心应该做些什么来让mg官方游戏中心的生活有意义.

它可以出奇地简单, 虽然, 在琐碎的日常工作中忽略了生活的整体目标, 责任, 以及mg官方游戏中心都会陷入的习惯. 那么,你如何带着意图和目的生活呢?


The first step for all of us to live with more intent and purpose is to define what that means for ourselves.

Bozoma圣约翰, named World’s Most Influential Chief Marketing Officer by Forbes and previously CMO at Apple, 超级, 和Netflix, 谈了很多这个问题吗. In 她接受《mg官方游戏中心》采访, she tells of her early days as a marketer and how looking up at the people in charge she didn’t see anyone who looked or acted like she did. 她听和读了所有的窍门和技巧,以达到顶峰, but knew that she couldn’t rely on any of them because she wasn’t like any of the people who came before her. 她必须制定自己的规则, 跟着自己的直觉走, and pursue greatness without a set plan because no one else could make one for her.

So if you aspire to live with intent and purpose, sit down and think about what that means to you. 把它作为你自己的使命宣言, 或者作为你核心价值观的项目列表, 或者勾勒出你自己的生活是怎样的. 没有正确或错误的答案,只要对你来说是真的.


一旦你对什么对你重要有了一个清晰的愿景, 是时候付诸实践了. Few of us have time to focus all day every day on only doing things that fulfill our big picture priorities—most of us have to do the dishes and go to work at some point. 但是,mg官方游戏中心所有人都可以重新定义mg官方游戏中心的行动,以更好地与mg官方游戏中心的目标保持一致.

那么你是如何带着意图做事的呢? 让mg官方游戏中心想想一个典型的十分钟的工作休息时间. 没有意图和目的的框架, 这可能是快速喝杯咖啡和漫无目的地刷社交媒体. But if your personal mission statement is to protect and appreciate nature and the environment, that same ten minutes could be getting coffee in your reusable mug and drinking it outside with your bare feet in the grass while chatting with like-minded people in an environmental activist social media group. 还是那十分钟, 充满了相同的活动, 但目的和意图是不同的.

努力工作和尽情玩耍仍然可以是你所做的, 它们可以在你更大的目标框架内完成. 生活并不总是一帆风顺的, impressive gestures—doing the small things in the little moments each day are what living with intention is about.


科技在mg官方游戏中心的生活中扮演着不可思议的重要角色, that any discussion of how we live has to include thinking about the role of technology. 所以,科技是让你更难还是更容易实现你的目标呢? 答案是,这取决于mg官方游戏中心如何使用它.

In some ways technology—especially our ever present phones—make it easier to do things without intention. It can be so easy to escape our daily lives by plugging into our devices that we don’t feel like we have time to focus on our bigger picture priorities. 另一方面, 科技是一个非常强大的工具,可以帮助mg官方游戏中心做任何mg官方游戏中心选择的事情, 包括按照mg官方游戏中心的个人使命宣言来过mg官方游戏中心的日常生活.

Let’s think again about our person whose mission statement is to protect and appreciate nature and the environment, 并探索一些有意图的生活的例子,这些例子是科技使之成为可能的. These are some ways that technology allows small tasks and moments of downtime to become moments of intention in an average day for our environmentalist:

  • Brewing her morning coffee from sustainably sourced coffee beans found and ordered online

  • Composting the spent grounds and other food waste in a countertop composting system to keep them out of landfills

  • Unplugging her electric car from her solar powered house to start her morning commute

  • 使用一个搜索引擎,种植树木与它的广告收入(如 Ecosia)工作时

  • Signing an online petition for stronger environmental protection laws to her local and national representatives on her lunch break

  • 记得把旧电池带到她工作的地方,那里有 电池回收计划 to keep these batteries-responsible for 20% of hazardous waste in landfills-from further polluting

  • Connecting with a local hiking group via social media for an in-person walk after work

  • Paying for her groceries on the way home with a credit card designed to support her environmental goals (like one from 联合银行 这不会给化石燃料公司提供贷款, 并将其投资组合的四分之一投资于气候保护公司).

Each of these things that allow our hypothetical person to live her life with intent and purpose are made possible (or made much easier) with technology. 科技是一种工具,mg官方游戏中心每个人选择如何使用它取决于mg官方游戏中心自己.


mg官方游戏中心在 莫泽 相信以mg官方游戏中心的大目标做生意是很重要的. mg官方游戏中心的8项核心原则指导着mg官方游戏中心每个人在工作中的行为, 以及整个公司的发展方向. 以下是mg官方游戏中心认为生活中最重要的事情:

  1. 问责制 -mg官方游戏中心相信问责是仆人式领袖的关键特征. mg官方游戏中心制定了明确的期望,并授权员工以mg官方游戏中心的核心价值观为榜样. mg官方游戏中心鼓励思想交流, overcoming challenges and celebrating successes as a team to create a culture of trust and accountability.

  2. 平衡 - We promote and encourage work-life balance by providing a healthy work environment, flexibility of schedule and resources to allow each person to define their own measure of a healthy lifestyle. 随着生活环境的改变, our employees have control and flexibility to adapt and remain energized to do their best work while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  3. 协作 - We foster a positive workplace for our employees through collaboration and teamwork. This creates a foundation where challenges are overcome through interactive problem-solving and new ideas are matured through healthy dialog and participation from the entire team.

  4. 焦点 -通过倾听客户的需求,创造丰富的客户体验, inclusion in the decision-making process and understanding their measure of success. As a partner, our mutual goals and expectations allow us to focus and succeed together.

  5. 完整性 - We maintain a culture of integrity at all levels of the organization through honesty, 透明度和信任. Strong ethics and uncompromising values begin with leadership and that's modeled throughout the organization. Honesty and integrity are the foundation of our long-term partnership with employees, 客户和供应商.

  6. 社会责任 -mg官方游戏中心通过支持公益事业对社区进行投资, 志愿服务机会, 项目, 还有当地的活动. 为了mg官方游戏中心的全球社区, we recognize our broader 责任 by supporting sustainable efforts that protect the environment. And we focus on making a positive impact by improving social AND economic futures. 志愿者项目

  7. 支持 - We support our employees' professional development by providing technical training, 指导和获取技术资源, 让每个人都能充分发挥自己的潜力. We foster a sense of pride and accomplishment through teamwork and partnership with our customers.

  8. 透明度 - We think that being honest and authentic is the foundation for effective communication and that it creates a safe environment for sharing of ideas and accountability. mg官方游戏中心知道这是建立关系的最好方式, 发展信任, 并为创新创造机会, 授权和认可.

要了解更多关于莫泽,mg官方游戏中心的价值观和服务,请访问mg官方游戏中心网站 或者听听mg官方游戏中心的 播客.



